Words matter. Birds matter.(my blog).

I hope you’ll enjoy this curation (below) of some of my favorite images I’ve taken over the years. Don’t forget to checkout my UPCOMING TOURS and BLOG at the top of the page.
Be sure to check back on this gallery, it’s always changing.
This website and its content is copyright of Raymond L. VanBuskirk © Raymond L VanBuskirk 2024
My photo gallery.
A caribou skull deep in the Alaskan interior.
A Smith's Longspur sings from a grassy mound in a remote patch of tundra in the Alaskan interior.
There's no place like Nome. Aleutian Terns making themselves at home on the beach near the Nome River mouth.
Northwestern Glacier, reachable only by a nearly 70-mile boat tour in Kenai Fjords NP. This is the preferred breeding habitat of the Kittlitz's Murrelet.
A King Eider bows his head to his Queen.
A Polar Bear scavenges a strip of blubber trapped below the sea ice on the Arctic Ocean. Photographed just outside Utqiagvik, Alaska, the northernmost community of humans in the United States.
Muskox shedding its qivuit (inner wool layer). This warm inner layer of wool helps keep these incredible animals warm through the long northern winter.
A Bristle-thighed Curlew on the remote tundra of the Seward Peninsula.
A pod of transient Orcas in the process of killing a Gray Whale calf.
Good timing. A resident Orca leaps from the icy water of Resurrection Bay.
New Mexico
New Mexico
Autumn settles in at Bosque del Apache NWR. New Mexico
Sandhill Cranes at Sundown. New Mexico
The calm before the snow storm. Thousands of Snow and Ross's Geese prepare to leave their nighttime roost for feeding grounds to the north. New Mexico.
"Beep Beep" - Greater Roadrunner. New Mexico's state bird!
Lookout below! Sandhill Cranes at sundown.
Spread your wings. Sandhill Cranes at Bosque del Apache NWR. New Mexico.
Hoo are you looking at? Great Horned Owl. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
"Hey Tom! No, not you, the other Tom. No, not you, the other Tom... ". Wild Turkeys displaying on the Ladder Ranch in southern New Mexico.
Sunrise from the Sandia Mountains.
Red-naped Sapsuckers are a surprisingly difficult species to photograph well as much of the time they're dragging their bellies up a tree trunk, and buried in the branches.
Rainbow shoveler.
A top tier New Mexico sunset.
Black-tailed Jackrabbit showing off its impressive ears.
It's a fabulous night for a moondance. Northern Flicker at the Melrose Migrant Trap.
Red Columbine illuminating the shadowy forest floor.
Mountain Bighorn Sheep in the alpine tundra along Santa Barabara Ridge.
"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." - Cheshire Cat
A storm rolls in across the alpine tundra of northern NM.
They had a face only a Marmot could love.